Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just Because

Hi everyone! My newest article is posted over at my page. Been working on little bits 'o' fiction- finding the time to write 1000 words a day is kind of a challenge! I've been getting something down though, mostly pieces of stories. Today's was about a 22 year old artist who was running from a man she had met in the city who was stalking her. She met him while sketching pigeons in charcoal pencil down near the markets and he offered her a job at his antique shop. Still working on developing the characters and setting, and will really only write it until it bores me I think. It is kind of morphing into other story lines in my head and spawning other ideas... Will share the finished product though when (and if) it arrives.
Listening to these two songs (among many) as I am writing now- just to share. Enjoy!

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